Just ahead of its regular meeting, PFLAG Florence invites the public to attend the Florence City Council Meeting Monday, June 10, at 5:30 p.m. for the Proclamation of Pride Month in Florence. PFLAG will honor one of its founding members, Ray Feay, a longtime Florence resident who was instrumental in establishing the PFLAG affiliate in Florence.
Following the presentation, attendees are invited to a PFLAG-hosted reception in the Fellowship Hall of Florence United Methodist Church, 2nd and Kingwood. PFLAG will provide attendees with leis, signs and Pride Flags for the celebration. Because City Hall and the Methodist Church are within a block of each other, parking for the city event is available at the church as well.
PFLAG meetings in Florence, which are always free and open to the public, are held on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Florence United Methodist Church, located at Second and Kingwood Streets, one block west of Highway 101.
PFLAG is the nation’s largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them. PFLAG Florence has been an affiliated chapter since 2011, has met monthly, sponsored events and appeared in the Rhododendron Festival Parade since its inception.
For more information, you can check out www.pflagflorenceoregon.org, follow the organization on Facebook, or call 541-901-3737.