TKU Leadership School: Crew Leader School – North/Central Coast

Crew Leader: TBD

Max Size of Crew: 12

Hike Distance: Less than 2 miles

Elevation Gain: Less than 500 feet

Hike Intensity: Low

Work Intensity: Low – Moderate

Work Type: Brushing, tread work, scenario practice


Event Information:

Crew Leader School is a TKU Leadership School course built for folks aspiring to become a Volunteer Crew Leader with TKO. This course is open to all and required for Volunteer Crew Leaders. Topics will include: TKO’s leadership culture, building/maintaining relationships with stewardship partners, project planning, event coordination, Crew Leader commitments, and more. We will cover some topics while sitting/standing as a group, and scenarios will be run on trail.

Hiking information:

We will hike less than 2 miles round-trip to get to and from our work location. This is considered a low to moderate itensity hike.

You should plan to participate in this trail party for its entirety. For safety reasons, please do not arrive late or expect to be able to leave early.

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