FACC’s March 5, 2025 meeting will feature Kayla Watford, Community Health Analyst with Lane County Public Health’s Department of Health and Human Services and some of the members of the CAC Rural Advisory Committee (RAC). The RAC partners, who meet quarterly, live or work, or both, in rural Lane, Linn and Douglas Counties and would like to share their advice on how to make healthcare better for rural community members.

CAC stands for Community Advisory Council. The Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) in Lane County are PacificSource and Trillium. Every CCO in the state is required to have a Community Advisory Council (CAC). The CAC is made up of community members who are either OHP members, work in organizations that serve OHP members, or are members of a local Tribal community. In order to be sure that consumers have a voice in how the CCO serves the community, CAC reserves 51% of the seats for OHP members. The Lane County CCO Community Advisory Council is a joint CAC for PacificSource and Trillium.

For those unable to come to the meeting, participation is also available with ZOOM, a link to which will be posted on FACC’s website.